Manuscripts are invited for the 3rd
International Conference on Machine Learning
and Pattern Recognition (MLPR 2025) on
topics lying within the scope of the
conference. All contributions must be
original and should not have been published
Paper Requirement
Papers should be prepared in English and
carefully checked for correct grammar.
Figures should be of high quality. Your
submitted work must be original in the sense
that it has never been published nor
submitted for publication consideration
anywhere. To ensure high scientific quality,
all papers will be single-blind reviewed by
the Technical Committee Members.
* Abstract submission for presentation only
without publication.
* Full paper submission for both presentation and publication. Full Paper should be no less than 8 full pages.
To submit your paper via the link below:
Dual Submission Policy
We will not accept any paper which, at the
time of submission, is under review for
another conference or has already been
published. This policy also applies to
papers that overlap substantially in
technical content with conference papers
under review or previously published.
Paper Presentation
All papers must be presented by one of the
authors. Oral presentations for these
submissions are limited to 15 mins and
poster presentations to 5 mins.